The Alana Hotel Malang Is One Of The Best Occupance Hotels In Malang City During The 2024 Eid Period
The Alana Hotel Malang29 Apr 2024
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Malang - April 29 2024, The Eid holiday period is over. For The Alana Hotel Malang, which is a new hotel, it is a good start to welcome the Eid period in the following years. The enthusiasm of travelers and tourists is very visible when staying at The Alana Hotel Malang.

General Manager of The Alana Hotel Malang, Sistho A. SRESHTHO, ST, CHA said that the average total number of hotel visits increased by 94 percent compared to the city's occupancy rate of only 79 percent. "There are many influencing factors, such as our strategic location on the main road of Malang City, not far from various public transportation access such as Abdurahman Saleh airport, Blimbing Station and also the Karanglo toll exit." From this data, The Alana Hotel Malang is one of the hotels with the best occupancy rate in Malang City.

In the same period, The Alana Hotel Malang not only had domestic guests but also international guests. The hope is that the arrival of more international guests can have a positive impact on Malang City tourism.
For more information, visit www.malang.alanahotels.com and follow @alanamalang on Instagram.